Client. Appreciation. Events.
Build trust and relationships by gathering your people to you, with fun events that celebrate THEM.
How often you give thanks and appreciation can actually determine your arriving at stability or your experience of success. Read on & reap:

Love up your people with a rad client event!
Understandable initial overwhelm
For some brokers, the thought of developing, planning & organizing a client party activates some nervousness & anxiety. Where will the time & money come from to get this thing together? Will people have fun? What if they think my event is lame?
All understandable first thoughts. AND theres a way to get beyond the first thought & get into first action. Well cover that in a second, but first, lets talk about why youd consider even throwing a client event in the first place.
It really comes down to how much freedom and success would you like to experience in your business?
Stable vs. successful
Brian Buffini, of the renowned real estate training company Buffini & Company, recommends
1 client appreciation party per year to yield stability (yawn), and
1 client appreciation party per quarter to achieve success
Buffinis had a fair amount of success and actually considers client events as foundational. In an effort to save time AND replicate success for ourselves, we follow his thinking on this front.

It’s fun to share some holiday cheer! The people in your sphere won’t forget a party thrown for them. PHOTO: Diwas Photography
Client events can sell houses
Wait….Want to be sure you caught that….
Client events.
Can. Sell.
That’s exactly what our first Pie Event did for one new broker.
At our very first Pie Event last year (2015), we featured a live band, snacks, a last-minute whiskey tasting thanks to our next door neighbors, Westland Distillery, and pie giveaways to all the people in the firm’s sphere.
At this first annual party, a very new broker actually got 2 sales that very night.
Gretta Graves of The People People Team was the broker who landed that business, because she participated. Meaning, she invited people in her sphere and bought pies for those who RSVP’d.

Your thoughtful event can be a highlight to their season. Plus, they can meet new people. New friends. PHOTO: Diwas Photography
Dont go it alone
The costs of time and money in creating a client appreciation party can frankly cause fear & paralysis. Neither is helpful to your business. Multiply that by 3-4 events per year, and youre one freaked out, non-producing agent.
No bueno.
And simply not necessary.
We decided from the start, as a firm, to offer big collaborative client event parties -a few each year- that would cost our brokers little in planning, time and financial costs, yet perform beautifully for the firm to accomplish the following goals:
- Ease in participation for our brokers
- More potential success for each broker on our roster
- Fun in working together & in collaborating to pull the event off together
Now we’re featuring 3 annual signature events. And our brokers, the ones who participate, have the potential to gain serious momentum inside of their personal spheres, by taking advantage of a big party, backed by the firm.
Our lineup of signature client appreciation events:
- Spring Movie Night: A double-feature with all the trimmings: candy buffet, popcorn & fun with new and old friends. Plus ping pong, coloring & family fun for all.
- Seahawks Tailgate Party: A chance to root for the home team in the heart of SODO with a big screen. Bring the lawn chairs, well serve up the hot dogs & beverages.
- Pie Event: Each broker invites their clients to pick up a pie 2 days before Thanksgiving. Music, laughter, a beautifully decorated space where gratitude exudes. Take a look at a few of the pictures from last years event:
What about a 4th option?
Your strategy & comfort level may be more intimate, more 1-on-1.
Should you schedule those smaller dinner parties & coffee date catch-ups?
Catch up, spoil your sphere with lavish attention and they’ll keep you in mind when it counts, too.
SPECIAL INVITE: If you arent part of the Metropolist Nation yet, drop in on our
Pie Event, Tuesday Nov 22, between 4-8pm as our guest and check out the festivities.
Let us know you’re coming, the more the merrier! Wed love to host you at our place.

Pies for all! Join us at Metropolist to see & feel how it’s DONE! PHOTO: Diwas Photography