• Date 2/13/2024
  • Time 10 am - 1 pm
  • Instructor Chad Zinda
  • Clock Hours 3
  • Cost $20 (Always free for Metropolist)   (Always FREE for Metropolists)
  • Location

    Metropolist SODO
    2931 1st Ave S, Suite A
    Seattle, WA 98134

Broker Tools Expo 2024

Ready to look like a rockstar broker in front of your clients?

Ready to build your dream team of service pros?

Join us for The Learning Lab at Metropolist’s Annual Broker Tools Expo (BTE) where leading industry practitioners and experts will share tools and resources you can implement into your business. If you’re looking for a comprehensive set of tools, strategies, service partners, and information you need to thrive both now and in the near future, don’t miss this media intensive, designed especially to help you grow your business. Industry partners will be in-house to answer questions, share tools and educate on their services.

What makes BTE a don’t-miss-event:

* Bring 50 of your business cards to enter raffles and share with Vendors at this fun networking event.

* Explore solutions that can be integrated into your business, adding value and growing your bottom line.

* Learn marketing strategies and tools to bring new contacts and revenue opportunities to your business successfully.

* Get ideas and learn proven techniques to cultivate and build relationships that help boost sales.

Our line-up of experts includes: Home Inspectors, Stagers, Photographers, Mortgage Brokers, Financial Planners, Pet Services, Insurance Agents, Client Gifts, Healthcare Professionals, Organizers, Attorneys, and many other services your clients will want to ask you about!

Student Registration Vendor Registration