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How To Ask for a Referral to Grow Your Business

Referrals are a great way to start and continue to grow a strong real estate business. When a current client recommends your services to a friend, family member, or business associate you have the opportunity to grow your business and work with a new client. Referrals serve as a way to grow your client connections by bringing in more work for you. The referral process is an exponential one, meaning gathering referrals leads to more clients, and more clients lead to even more referrals. Word of mouth is one of the best ways to grow your contacts because trust is an important factor in selecting someone with which to do business. Referrals are a cost-effective way of gathering more clients. There’s typically no money involved when you ask someone for a referral. If you’re just growing your contact list, you may not have the financial resources to market yourself, so referrals can help you get started. Asking for referrals requires minimal effort in comparison to other methods of growing a business, such as developing an online marketing strategy. Connect with your customers, provide value to them, then request a referral. Do this consistently and your client list can continue to grow without spending money.

How to ask for a referral

There are several ways to ask for a referral. Here are some options to consider using to grow your contacts list: 

1. Ask directly

Directly asking a client for referrals is the most straightforward method. You should have a strong personal or professional relationship with the person you ask, since they’ll be more likely to recommend your services. It’s also common to ask for referrals during networking events, where one of the main purposes is gathering recommendations.

2. Post on social media

Most companies and professionals have multiple social media platforms to do business. Make sure your real estate business has a strong online presence by creating profiles on major social media and professional networking websites.Write original posts on each social media platform so visitors can share your request with someone they may know. Use online groups to can make connections with like-minded individuals who may want to do business with you. Join interest pages on social networks to communicate with members who may be more open to providing referrals or using your services themselves.

3. Ask for reviews

A more indirect way to ask for a referral is by encouraging your clients to leave a review or testimonial on a review website. When someone searches for real estate services, reading positive reviews about you can greatly influence their decision making when looking for an agent to represent them. Testimonials are a powerful part of any growth strategy because they expose you to a newer, broader audience that you can reach by relying on your current connections.Once you’ve received an online review, post that testimonial on your social channels, and publicly thank the reviewer to show you value them. This can entice others to do the same. 

4. Be specific and personal

Make each referral request both specific and personal to the person you ask. For example, if you want to ask a client for a referral, express how much you enjoyed working with them on their real estate transaction. Then ask if they have a friend or colleague who may need real estate services or representation. 

5. Remind contacts

If you ask for a referral via email but haven’t gotten a response within a week, you can send a reminder message. Ask if they received your original message, then briefly summarize the content. This puts your request at the top of their inbox, making them more likely to respond. 

6. Send an email to announce your services

Even though your clients are aware of your services, keep them updated on any new offerings you may have. This reminds them of the work they’re already familiar with and makes them think about any friends, family, or colleagues who might benefit from your services. Send an email on a regular basis, at least once a month to maintain a consistent presence.

7. Conduct a survey

In any line of business, it’s important to conduct surveys continuously to understand how your customers feel about your work, learn what you can improve and identify clients who are the most satisfied with your products. You can send a survey to your client list through email. Once the majority of your clients have provided feedback, organize your contacts into groups according to their answers. You should have a group of clients who you can focus on for referrals.

8. Give referrals

When possible, help other businesses by giving them referrals. Consider other businesses that you work with and if their services could help professionals in your network. By giving referrals, others are more likely to recommend your business. 

Tips from an expert

Here are some additional tips from a career-focused expert on how to ask for a referral:

  • Focus on providing good service. The best way to ensure that a customer refers you to other potential customers is to provide exceptional service, regardless of the industry. After providing that service, you can ask for a referral directly, knowing that your services are worthy of such an action.
  • Research industry trends and competitors. Conducting research on how your competitors are getting referrals may provide useful insight into effective strategies in your industry. Some industries may benefit more from word-of-mouth referrals, while others may benefit more from social media referral campaigns.

You can modify these examples to help you format your referral requests:

Use this template to email your entire contact list:

Thank you for being a part of my business. I’ve enjoyed working with you to reach your goals in Real Estate! I’m excited to say that I’m currently accepting new clients. If you have any contacts who could benefit from my services, would you consider sharing my business and contact information with them? I’m passionate about homeownership and would love the opportunity to work with someone you know. Thank you in advance!

Use this template to email personal requests:

Hi there, I hope you know how much I’ve enjoyed working with you while we found your new home. It’s so great that we were able to close on that last month! I’m currently in the process of growing my business and client list. Do you have a friend or colleague who’d benefit from the same services I offer to you? I’d really appreciate it if you have any referrals you’d be able to send my way. Thanks in advance!

Learning how to ask for a referral may help you attract more customers to your business. Referrals are an essential part of building your network and growing your customer base. When you ask for a referral, you show your clients that you value your relationship, trust their judgment and believe in the services you provide. 

