If you’ve been following the Metropolist Real Estate story since our launch in 2014, you most likely know us for the following commitments to broker success that look like this:
- A Ninja-Focused* Approach to Real Estate: Different truly is in our DNA The Metropolist Code of Ethics creates change, builds profitable businesses, and makes a beautiful impact with a lasting ripple effect. *We at Metropolist recognize the name Ninja is problematic in its cultural appropriation and we have shared that feedback with The Group Inc who is the owner of that system. The system itself is a wonderfully connection-centered and humanistic approach to developing and deepening relationships in your community and this is why we stand by it over other sales systems that are none of those things.
- Unboring Real Estate Education
Our in-house real estate think tank, The Learning Lab. By offering you, our broker colleagues, the best in unboring, instantly applicable, and market-innovative real estate clock-hour education, we share our commitment to infusing new life and energy into our industry. We stand by this commitment and remain dedicated to evolving our learning opportunities to offer you more bottom-line building education. - Collaboration over Competition for the Good of the Order Our inclusive and non-competitive culture of collaboration amongst colleagues. Our brokers experience deeper success thanks to the support they receive from their brokerage colleagues and owners. At Metropolist, no one works alone or in a silo. That’s now how we roll. We stand by our commitment to making collaborating and sharing best practices an industry standard, and not an exception.
- Out-of-the-Box Client Appreciation Events
By now, you may know that a Metropolist Client Appreciation Event is always one heck of a party. Our in-house, award-winning events space, The Factory at Metropolist continues to demonstrate the importance of celebrating some of life’s most important moments and we offer our people 3, brokerage-funded client appreciation events (some inside The Factory and others out in the community) to support them in nurturing their database. This kind of event sponsorship is unheard of in other brokerages. We stand by this commitment to help our brokers build lasting relationships with their clients that lead to more referrals. - High-Quality Done-For-You Marketing Services Visually compelling and content-rich Done-For-You Marketing Services so that you can focus on your business. Our marketing efforts position our brokers as experts. Nothing is formulaic, cookie-cutter, or bland at Metropolist. We stand by our commitment to helping our brokers get noticed through traditional and online marketing efforts.
We have always offered a superior level of value to our brokers. But now, we offer so much more.
Ready, set, Tech!
In the vein of integrating systems that help in both our businesses and our lives, we are also committed to giving our brokers comprehensive and compelling digital broker support and have curated a suite of proven systems that help brokers grow their businesses with less stress and more ease.
Introducing MoxiWorks in 2023
MoxiWorks is an agent platform that develops software for lead generation, IDX websites, CRM, marketing automation, and lead management. With MoxiWorks, everything you need to be successful is in one place. The platform is a robust and critical tool for making building your business easier. If you want to do more with more, all in one place, this is the platform that will help you do just that. MoxiWorks integrates with your current productivity software, MLS, and a number of third-party platforms. MoxixWorks includes the industry’s leading CRM, CMA presentation tool, advertising solutions, recruiting tool, and website builder.
Experience the “big dogs brokerage” systems in a dynamic, refreshing, boutique brokerage experience.
When you’re a Metropolist broker, you get our proven approach, and our integrated technology systems, paired with accessible and experienced leadership, a deep commitment to company culture, and an ethos of change, innovation, and success. Learn more about us
We are agents of change, and we’re here to help you make a move.
If you’re considering making a move, chat with Chad Zinda, our Designated Broker and Director of Awesome at Metropolist. Conversations are confidential, insightful, and designed to support you and your business for your optimum success.